Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What If The People of Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Italy Had Rejected Socialism?

Indeed, I do believe the 2012 presidential race is about more than just Democrats and Republicans. I believe it is about capitalism versus socialism. It is about exceptionalism versus defeatism. In many regards this election is about the heart and soul of America. Are we ready for the 21st century, or are we going to pretend that progressivism is the way forward, even if it involves socialist theory which has never worked in any country it has ever been tried including Europe. Many of the left-leaning socialist nations are in economic ruin, and they could potentially take down the rest of Europe. Okay so let's talk shall we?

Let me ask you a question; what if the people of Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece had rejected Socialism? What if they had decided amongst themselves to become free-market capitalists? What if they believed in self-reliance, rather than relying on a government to take care of them and fulfill all the promises of their desires? I know there is a bit of allure about the socialist utopian dreams, but I thought Europe learned how bad and out-of-control that could get from past periods. I mean Hitler of NAZI Germany was a socialist dictatorship. Is a socialist democracy any better? Sure, it might be in the interim until it "runs out of other people's money to spend."

Then what, then you are left holding the bag of despair, empty promises of hope and change for the future. So I ask earnestly; what if the population of those countries had voted against socialism, what if they had said they don't want bigger government, what if they had decided that each individual would be the strongest link in the chain? Well, I will tell you what would've happened; that chain would have been stronger with all those strong links in it, and they wouldn't have gotten themselves into debt, or promised the people things that the government could never produce.

Spain's unemployment would not be a 25%, and Portugal, Italy and Greece would not be over 20% as it is today. Unfortunately, socialism makes the people fat, dumb, and lazy. Then when you take away all that you've given them, they can no longer fish for themselves so they riot in the streets, and protest in storm. Then they tear down what little civilization is left, because hope and change had left with it.

Yes, I am merely asking the question. In the United States we have a choice on November 6, 2012.

We can choose exceptionalism, self-reliance, and free-market capitalism.

We can solve all of our problems by merely getting rid of one; The Obama Administration.

Please consider all this and think on it when you vote.

Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Your Miracle Is On The Right Side   

What Is Government? Can They Control Weapons Of Mass Destruction?

Why do we have a government? Does it exist only to tax us to death? Is it there to give us speeding tickets or put other impositions upon our daily lives? I am afraid that is what most people think! Let's get down and dirty!

Look around! Examine the public buildings, roads, schools, police and fire departments that protect our daily lives! We have armies, navies and the most advanced air force. We also find dams which provide water and power. We need and want a government there when troubles like terrorist attacks, tornadoes, hurricanes or floods, destroy our lives.

We must pay for the services we desire. We can't hire our own police force or get our neighbors to help when fire occurs. We are a democracy. We elect representatives to pick, choose and to determine the costs of services we need. Yes, we can grumble about programs that we personally feel unnecessary or wasteful of tax money. But we must realize that our elected representatives are chosen to pick, choose and authorize the costs. If we don't like the programs, the only recourse is to elect people who represent our views and desires. Until we do, we must "bite the bullet."

Modern governments must provide many social services. All religions recognize the need to help the less advantaged. Can we walk down a street and see a person bleeding to death and not try to help in some way? Can we walk by starving little children and not offer food? If not, where are our religious morals? Why do so many of us deny the impersonal government from helping? Because it costs money we might say and our taxes are high enough! Doesn't the popcorn we buy at the movies costs too much, but we still buy it. We have a government. We must pay for the services it provides and is morally needed. We should all be relieved that our government supplies social services, helps our consciences and skews the costs to those better able to pay in order to help those in need.

We need responsible governments to wield and protect weapons like the atom bomb in the best way.

Almost everyone realizes the potential terror of the atom, in the form of a bomb. It is so terrible, that it is unimaginable to consider the atom bomb ever being used again. Consider the problems that now face the entire world because of the creation of this weapon.

The power and potential destruction of the atom bomb is so massive and illogical that people throughout the world would be appalled by its use. Any crazy world leader, who tried to use that kind of force, would be ridiculed, threatened, killed or unseated from power. Imagine what would happen if a controlling leader of say Iran, used the bomb against Israel, or the United States. In one of those countries, at least one or two cities would be devastated. The people of Iran would expect their entire country to be devastated in retaliation. Everyone, even the leaders would be afraid for their lives. In reality, Iran would be leveled, incinerated! Does anyone think that a crazy terrorist or corrupt leader would pay the price for such a pyrrhic victory? Even someone within a loosely net organization like Al Qaeda would worry about how other members would take out their anger on that crazy. The world is not big enough for anyone to use an atom bomb without understanding the ramifications.

The real problem is the possibility of an accident where an atom bomb is being developed. Let us hope that any country developing the bomb would take precautions to include controls which would avoid accidents, but who knows? Accidents always happen!

Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Your Miracle Is On The Right Side   

Challenging Job Market Awaits College Graduates

Today's college graduates are excitedly entering the job market only to find their high hopes deflated by an influx of candidates and a decrease of available opportunities. Once the parties end and the diplomas have been framed, these same 20-somethings who were once confident in their chosen field of study now must find a way to make their education profitable in the wake of owed rent and student loans. It's just these same issues that have many high school seniors considering the value of a college education, when weighing the pros and cons of a post-secondary degree.

For high school seniors banking on a college scholarship, reality is harsh with new proposed legislation which will limit certain scholarship candidates to those planning a course of study in the STEM industries - science, technology, engineering, and math. These same proponents of the legislation assert that fields such as the humanities have limited job offerings in today's society, and therefore, do not validate the cost of a scholarship. Evidence in favor of the scholarship limitations shows the STEM industries continually expanding, and requiring a constant influx of college graduates to fill the various available positions.

Statistics from The New York Times show that an average salary for college graduates as recently as 2010 was only $27,000, a decrease of $3,000 from two years prior. Analysts attribute this data as one reason so many college graduates are working in jobs outside their major - in order to pay their bills while still searching for an available position in their field. It's the rare college student that attends a university for personal edification or as a hobby. Most, if not all, are looking for their what-I-want-to-be-when-I-grow-up job, assuming it's ready and available for the taking, with only a college degree to be used as currency in trade.

Often, disappointed college graduates opt not to take a minimum-wage position to simply get by, but rather, choose to continue in post-graduate studies. The assumption being that the extra time and money will pay off by creating more opportunities for people with advanced degrees. Unfortunately, it's a limited percentage of these people who find what they are looking for, while the rest continue to accrue interest on loans that were already much too high.

Ultimately, it seems in the current job market, the best option for students considering a college education is to opt for a major in patience.

Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Your Miracle Is On The Right Side   

The Surveillance Society - And We As Americans Are Supposed to Accept This?

Our founding fathers never trusted government, and they didn't want us to trust governments either, not even the one in which they were setting up at the time. Why? Well, the abuse they know is so common throughout human history. Were they right to think like this? Well, their history certainly indicated so, and so does the previous periods between their time and our present period for that matter.

How can you know when not to trust a government and when you should trust such authority? Well, a common phrase at the CIA is to "trust no one" but is that really anyway to live one's life? Certainly, we need to have some trust and respect right? Surely, but trust, like respect must be earned. So, has our government earned our respect lately? Well, that is a decent question and yes, I dare to ask it. And, unfortunately, it appears to me that the answer is; no. Let's talk about this shall we, specifically let's talk about our new paradigm of the surveillance society our government is setting up; for us?

Well, that's what they tell us; it's to protect the American People. Maybe or maybe not, perhaps it is to protect the government from the people, because they know they are up to something and realize they've lost the propaganda war. A heavy statement, but let me give you some new information prior to your agreement or disagreement with what I've states thus far.

There was a rather disturbing article in Homeland Security News on November 1, 2012 titled; "New cell phone surveillance method raises privacy concerns," which stated; "The method, known as "stingrays," uses a person's international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) secretly to track someone's location using stingray devices, known as IMSI catchers. The catcher mimics a cell phone tower, but stingrays track the locations of all mobile devices in a given area, including those which are not being targeted."

So, is this the price we all have to pay for technology, and if they can do this with smart phones, they can do it with any device which uses any 2G, 3G, or 4G wireless network, and they can already track people by their use of Wi-Fi because those systems are connected online through ISPs. Why is the government so paranoid? Boy, now that is a really good question isn't it? What is the deal here?

Are they really after terrorists, or even home grown lone-wolf challenges? I'd say if they keep this nonsense up, it will all be a self-fulfilling prophesy, and they will indeed create exactly what they are looking for. In fact, if you read the news much, well, isn't that what's already happening out there? Indeed, I ask that you please consider all this and think on it.

Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Your Miracle Is On The Right Side   

Did the Libya Embassy Attackers of 2012 Prove The Documentary Film Maker Correct?

It was interesting that the attack on the US Embassy in Libya in the summer of 2012 on September 11 broke the peaceful relationship between the United States and the Libyan new government. What was even more puzzling was the excuse for the attack.

Apparently, the attackers claimed that the reason for firebombing of the US Embassy in Libya and killing the US ambassador was because someone had created a video trashing "The All Mighty Prophet Mohammed" and that someone who is claimed to have created the video is an American, or an Israeli living in America, or it's hard to say because there are so many different versions of the story now.

However, consider this; if an individual living in a country does something, what does that have to do with the country? If we take that approach, we could say that since someone in Libya organized an attack on the embassy, it is Libya's fault, and therefore we must punish all Libyans. Would that mean that the United States has the right to destroy the country, and eliminate the people? Surely, people of Islam don't believe that, do they?

What I'm saying to you is we have a little bit of hypocrisy going on here. If someone makes a cartoon in Denmark, does that make it okay to attack anyone from that country, or even the country and government itself? If it does, then we now have the right as Americans to do the unthinkable, merely because a few individuals have attacked us, and dishonored our culture in doing so. You see that point?

Now then, here is another philosophical conundrum; the person that created the video showed or was said to have shown that Islam was a world of hate and disrespected the Great Prophet Mohammed. Obviously the people of Islam and all the Muslims don't consider themselves bad people. If however, people use this as an excuse to attack and kill innocent individuals, or attack an entire nation, because if someone attacks a US embassy they are attacking America, then in many regards an onlooker could say that those that do the attacking prove that the documentary's filmmaker was correct in his assertions.

No, of course I'm not saying he was or wasn't, and quite frankly I haven't seen the film, nor do I care too, I just think there's enough problems of the world, and I'm going to ignore it. Still, whoever made that film, whether it was someone claiming to be an Israeli, or an American, they may have in fact be proven correct by the deadly actions of those who used it as an excuse to do evil. Those who wish to do terrible and heinous crimes against humanity will always find an excuse, even if they have to manufacture one.

We don't know the truth, it's all hearsay, we don't know if that video was created under a false flag pretense, or if these attacks have been planned for a long time to be carried out on the anniversary of 9/11, and that was just a convenient excuse to do so. Whatever the case may be, whoever made that video, and whatever happens to be in it, or was in it before it was pulled off-line, may have used superior intellect to serve his will in challenging the dictates of one of the world's largest religions and cultures.

In which case it is he who is now laughing while the rest of us have been manipulated, used, and/or attacked physically, spiritually, and witnessed our innocence and love of humanity vanish. Maybe it's time for humanity to bury the hatchet, before everything escalates into a winner take all game. That would be unfortunate because the United States would be the winner, her innocence would be lost, and billions of people would pay for something they probably don't even agree with. That would be a travesty, and tragic end to these unfortunate circumstances. Let's not let it happen.

Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Your Miracle Is On The Right Side   

More Centrifuges and More Danger From Iran - Is This Another Obama Administration Failure?

Indeed, we sure heard a lot of talk in the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates in October of 2012 just prior to the election about Iran and the nuclear weapon threats to the region, Israel, and the world. Still, it seemed the Obama Administration was quite dismissive of the problem. That concerns me, and although no one has a crystal ball, this pervasive problem will not go away by ignoring it, or pretending it isn't a big issue. Okay so, let's talk shall we?

The New York Times had a somewhat puzzling article published on October 26, 2012 titled; "Iran Said to Nearly Finish Nuclear Enrichment Plant," by David E. Sanger and William J. Broad. When I read that I was thinking to myself; oh please, this is one of four, albeit an upgrade of the other three. Has this story been planted in the media to make it look like Iran is just now starting to enrich, they've been enriching for years, and are way past the so-called "red line" and getting more and more each day.

The Iranians have short range capable ICBMs and China has probably sold them triggering devices too. Today, Iran is producing its own with the help of companies who ignore sanctions in nations which feel immune to this global mandate.

It seems as if Obama sat on his rear end and hasn't done anything by vote present from "Golf Cart I" and so, welcome to the age of nuclear terrorism, and a future surge in nuclear proliferation in the Middle East and South America - thanks a lot Obama.

Now then, there was an interesting article report by Dark Government posted on October 26, 2012 titled; " Israel Suspected: Iranian Shahab Missile Factory Destroyed," which stated;

"The Yarmouk Complex of military plants near Khartoum Sudan was bombed five minutes after midnight on Oct. 24, by 4 fighter-bombers, had gone into manufacturing Iranian ballistic surface-to-surface Shehab missiles under license from Tehran. Western intelligence sources have not stated the types of Shehab were being turned out in Sudan but they believe the Yarmouk's output was intended to serve as Tehran's strategic reserve stock in case Iran's ballistic arsenal was hit by Israeli bombers."

Vice President Joe Biden insisted that Iran didn't have the missile technology, or the triggering devices it needed to pull off a nuclear missile strike to blow Israel off the map. Well, that's not exactly so, and it appears they have many duplicate sources for getting these parts, and technologies. So, is Joe Biden and President Obama purposefully misleading the American People? If so, why, are they just purporting misdirection, as to not show their hands, do they think this is a poker playing event, or are they covering their tracks for a failed foreign policy now? Please consider all this and you be the judge.

Getting Elected Is the Easy Part, Why Is It So Hard for the Obama Campaign to Win Reelection?   Obama Says His Initiatives Would Help The Middle Class - Fact Check Please   Do Lazy Americans Forgo Voting If The Weather Isn't Being Nice?   Your Miracle Is On The Right Side   

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